Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM
60 Osborn St., Keyport, NJ 07735
Phone: 732-739-2212

Welcome to Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM New Website


To Our Esteemed Brethren,

As we stand at the threshold of March, let us remember
that this month, in ancient times, was the first of the year,
a time of new beginnings, dedication, and resolve. The
Romans dedicated March to Mars, the god of war, not
only as a deity of battle but as a symbol of strength,
perseverance, and courage in the face of adversity.

As Freemasons, we are not warriors in the literal sense,
but we do engage in a noble struggle—the pursuit of
wisdom, self-improvement, and the building of a more
just and enlightened world. March reminds us that every
challenge we face is an opportunity to triumph, that every
obstacle is a steppingstone to greater understanding, and
that through steadfastness and brotherly love, we forge our
path toward the Light.

Let this month be a call to action. Let us renew our
commitment to our principles, rededicate ourselves to our
obligations, and face the trials before us with the fortitude
and wisdom that our Craft instills. Just as the ancients saw
March as the gateway to a new year, let us see it as a
gateway to greater growth, deeper knowledge, and the
continued betterment of ourselves and our communities.
Stand firm, act with purpose, and march forward in

Fraternally yours,
Chris Tucci

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